Turn on the darkness!
– Darkness is always relational
– Darkness is not something in itself
– In darkness, something radical happen to the body
– Can darkness be a form of light?
(notes and pictures from Performing Arts Relay lab process, co-created by the participating artists, Canada, 2018)
I 2018 var SenseScapes (nu DraumVærk) inviteret af Teater Seachange, til at medvirke i et kunstnerisk laboratorium på universitetet i Calgary, Canada. I programmet deltog forskere og scenekunstnere fra hele verden, og SenseScapes faciliterede tre dages intense undersøgelser af mørke som kunstnerisk tema, strategi og som fysisk materiale. Efterfølgene skrev performer og facilitator Lotus Lykke Skov et manifest, som nu danner udgangspunkt for DraumVærks metodiske udforskning af æstetiske oplevelser i, om og med mørke. Fra 2021 og frem vil undersøgelse af mørkets mangeartede væsen fortsat spille en vigtig rolle i DraumVærks kunstneriske undersøgelser.
In 2018 SenseScapes (now DraumVærk) was invited by Theater Seachange to participate in an performing arts laboratory at the University of Calgary, Canada, with performing artists and researchers from around the world. SenseScapes facilitated three days of intense explorations of darkness as an artistic theme, strategy and as physical material. By the end of the laboratory, performer and facilitator Lotus Lykke Skov wrote the darkness manifesto which now forms the methodological ground of DraumVærk’s investigations of aethetic experiences in, around and with the dark. From 2021 an onwards, explorations of the multifarious and poetic darkness will continue to play an important role in DraumVærks’ artistic explorations.
There is nothing interesting in the good and bad darkness
Interesting is: the beauty of darkness
the ugliness of darkness
the secrets of darkness
the comfort of darkness
the terror of darkness
the loneliness of darkness
the sensuality of darkness
the wildness of darkness
the silence of darkness
the mystery of darkness
the fascination of darkness
the roughness of darkness
the lightness of darkness
the emptiness of darkness
the enlightenment of darkness
the wonder of darkness
the intensity of darkness
the art of darkness
the dark life of darkness
the matter of darkness
the hunger of darkness
the longing of darkness
the air of darkness
the music of darkness
the stillness of darkness
the size of darkness
the infinity of darkness
the incomprehensibility of darkness
the inaccessibility of darkness
the origin of darkness
the restlessness of darkness
the haunting spirits of darkness
the bloody brutality of darkness
the necessity of darkness
the death of darkness
the relief of darkness
the power of darkness
the vulnerability of darkness
the voices of darkness
the skin of darkness
the otherness of darkness
the playfulness of darkness
the I want you here and now of darkness
the please get out of my sight of darkness
the ancient wisdom of darkness
the lets take time to pause of darkness
the invitation to stay with the trouble of darkness
the national political grief of darkness
the surprising friendliness of darkness
the hide and seek of darkness
the welcome home of darkness
the wow! I can´t see my own hand of darkness
the imaginary wonderland of darkness
the traumatizing sounds of darkness
the shared theatrical space of darkness
the poetics of darknes
DraumVærk – Teater og sanselaboratorium
Skovgaardsgade 3A – 8000 Århus C – mail@draumvaerk.dk – +45 60194909