DraumVærk is a multisensory landscape.  We make participatory, sensuous and poetic performances and projects for all ages, aiming to open, disturb, move and fill up the senses. Our artistic practice is based on the question: What can happen if we relate to ourselves and the surrounding world through open and curious sensing and sensitivity?  

DraumVærk is a sense laboratory and a theatre company. We intend to be a dynamic and shifting room of exploration, immersing the visitor in an intimate atmosphere of strong and personal stories, adventure, presence and imagination.

Our performances are in Danish (so far). But read about our laboratory projects in English, here. 

DraumVærk was called SenseScapes until 2021. See our former SenseScapes blog for archive of earlier projects. 

DraumVærk’s artistic leader is performer and facilitator Lotus Lykke Skov. 

Board in 2021: 

Bjarne Sandborg – instruktør og teaterleder

Isabelle Reynaud – freelance instruktør

Jeppe Nissen – teknisk producent

Pernille From –  kreativ producent